Save the Day with Construction Safety Netting
Falls account for nearly a third of all construction worker deaths.
Many heavy machinery and construction companies still don’t have adequate drop prevention programs for tools and equipment.
This may be one reason the number of falls hasn’t decreased in recent years. More than 42,000 people are hit by falling objects every year. That equals out to a falling-object injury every ten minutes, according to OSHA.
In other words, fall protection is a major issue, and should be one of the first priorities when it comes to protecting your site and workers.
Construction Debris Netting Saves Lives
Every time the elevation of a job increases, the risk increases, and not just for your workers, but to anyone on or near your jobsite. Even the smallest items can be fatal if they fall from high enough.
It’s the old “dropping-a-penny-off-of-the-empire-state-building” idea. A penny might not be big enough to do damage, but a two-pound tape measure falling from a few stories up can hit the ground with more than a thousand pounds of force per square inch.
That’s enough to do serious damage to whatever’s below, whether it’s valuable equipment or a person.
Safety Netting Protects Staff, Equipment, and Your Project
Workers themselves can be at risk for falls, leading to injuries or even death.
Falls also pose serious financial and legal risks. Construction companies can be held responsible for any injuries from falling debris or personnel injuries, regardless of how they happen – so even if you have safety mechanisms in place, if they fail, you might be liable.
Even if falls only affect your equipment, damages can still bring projects to a costly halt.
Debris and Personnel Safety Nets from Pro Tool Catch Fallen Objects of Any Weight and Size
Of course, the best protection from falling objects is to make sure they don’t fall in the first place. Training and safety gear also play an important role in keeping people safe.
However, it’s impossible to plan for every eventuality. Safety netting systems can be designed to catch personnel, debris of any size, or both, adding a crucial layer of protection for your workers, equipment, and the project itself.
At Pro Tool, we offer vertical and horizontal netting configurations in both standard off-the-shelf and customized configurations to meet your specific jobsite requirements.
Debris Netting:
We offer both honeycomb (1,000lb. rating) and heavy-duty (2,000, 5,000, and 10,000lb. rating) debris nets, with enforced border edges ideal for construction and demolition debris containment. Our debris nets are flame resistant and durable enough to stand up to the wear and tear of any site.
Personnel Safety Netting:
Our personnel safety nets help keep workers safe. Our base nets are 3.5” diamond nets and have a debris net liner of 1/16” mesh. Personnel safety nets are rated to 17,500lb. drop test load capacity, and meet all OSHA safety and fall protection netting system standards.
Save the Day with Construction Safety Netting
Dropped objects and falls in the construction industry are a major issue, but drop prevention programs using the right precautionary netting can prevent damage and save lives.
Pro Tool & Supply has custom made safety and debris netting specifically designed and fabricated for your construction job needs.
To get jobsite protection for your construction site, Request a Quote, or call us at (857) 706-2980 to speak with a Pro Tool & Supply representative for more information on our stock of construction grade netting equipment.