Walk-behind saws are a type of concrete cutting equipment that is extremely useful for cutting through concrete, stone, asphalt, brick, and other solid surfaces, making them essential tools in a wide range of construction projects. Walk-behind concrete saws are especially useful for larger concrete cutting projects where handheld saws are too small to get the job done effectively and efficiently. While walk-behind concrete saws are extremely useful tools, they can be dangerous if they’re not operated with the appropriate safety precautions in mind. In this article, we’ll offer a few tips on how you can operate a walk-behind saw safely the next time you need to use one for a concrete cutting project! If you have any questions about walk-behind saws or if you’re a New England area contractor who would like to purchase or rent one of these pieces of equipment, please contact our team at Pro Tool & Supply today at (857) 706-2980!
Wear The Proper Personal Protective Equipment
As is the case with most construction tools, personal protective equipment is absolutely essential when operating a walk-behind saw. Like other concrete cutting equipment, walk-behind saws have a tendency to kick up dust and debris into the air that could affect the operator if they are not wearing the proper PPE. For walk-behind saws, it’s recommended that the operator wears safety goggles or a face shield, a mask or respirator, gloves, steel-toed boots, and hearing protection.
Operate In A Straight Line
When cutting concrete with a walk-behind saw, you want to make sure that you do not change direction laterally when the blade is in contact with the concrete. Not cutting in a smooth, straight line could result in damage to the saw blade, which in turn could put the operator at risk of serious injury.
Do Not Leave Walk-Behind Saws Unattended
Many walk-behind saws are self-propelled, meaning that the saw will slowly begin to move forward on its own once the engine has been started and the blade is engaged with the concrete, asphalt, or other material that is being cut through. For this reason, it’s absolutely imperative that the operator is present and alert whenever the engine on a walk-behind saw has been started. Whenever you need to step away from a walk-behind saw and leave it unattended, be sure to stop the engine.
Use The Wet Cutting Feature
Cutting through concrete can create silica dust, also known as respirable crystalline silica, which is dangerous to inhale. One way to reduce the amount of silica dust that enters the air is to use the wet cutting method. Most walk-behind saws have a built-in water delivery system that continuously feeds water to the blade while the saw is in use. In addition to a respirator, wet cutting should be used whenever possible in order to reduce the operator’s exposure to harmful silica dust.
Shop Walk-Behind Saws in Massachusetts & Rhode Island from Pro Tool & Supply!
Pro Tool & Supply offers a wide selection of walk-behind concrete cutting saws from industry leading manufacturers like Diamond Products! If you are a contractor in New England that is interested in purchasing a walk-behind saw for your construction business, please contact Pro Tool & Supply by calling us at (857) 706-2980 or by filling out the contact form on our website! To get a free estimate on a walk-behind saw from Pro Tool & Supply, please fill out the “Request a Quote” form on our website!