When the snow falls and bone-chilling winds blow, it is natural to want to curl up in front of the fireplace with a blanket and mug of hot chocolate. But you’ve got construction work to do, and thankfully, construction tarps, covers, and sheeting will protect your construction tools, workers, and equipment so they can perform at maximum efficiency even when the weather doesn’t cooperate.
Concrete Curing Blankets
Don’t let a sudden cold spell delay your planned concrete pour or rob your slab of the moisture it needs to cure properly. Cold, dry winter weather makes concrete curing blankets must-have construction equipment in New England and throughout much of the United States. Curing blankets help concrete maintain the long-term temperatures water content it needs after placement and finishing to develop proper strength and crack resistance. Curing blankets not only prevent the water in concrete from freezing, which can lead to future fracturing, they also elevate the slab’s surface and internal temperatures to speed curing. Using curing blankets to raise concrete’s temperature from 40 degrees to 70 degrees Fahrenheit can cut curing time in half, saving time and money.
Flame Retardant Tarps
Snow and sleet can wreak havoc on expensive construction tools. Blades rust, power cords short, and even the most rugged construction equipment can fail when exposed to wet and frigid conditions. What’s more, working in the cold and wind is detrimental to morale and productivity. Tarps shield tools and personnel from wind, snow, and rain and contain ambient heat.
Flame-retardant tarps go a step farther, by allowing construction equipment and workers to operate in temporary enclosures warmed by generated heat. Creating scaffold enclosures or temporary “walls” during framing from flame-retardant tarps to contain forced air, allows work to continue in comfortable conditions. The tarps keep warm air in and cold air out, reducing heating costs while maximizing time on the job.
Electrically Heated Pads
Everything – people, liquids, and construction processes – seems to move more slowly when the temperature drops. Frozen ground defies excavation, lubricants lose viscosity, construction tools strain in the cold, and workers spend valuable time trying to stay warm. Electrically powered heating blankets are easy-to-use sources of portable, direct heat. They can:
- melt snow and frost
- thaw dirt for trenching operations
- safely warm fuel lines and cylinders
- keep palletized materials primed and ready to use.
Suitable for use in the field, on staged construction equipment or in unheated warehouses, electrically heated pads use considerably less fuel and deliver more concentrated heat than other options, while eliminating hazards associated with heating belts and ovens.
Reinforced Poly Sheeting
Strong and inexpensive, poly sheeting protects workers and passers-by from weather, debris, dust, and fumes. Non-fire-retardant versions are clear, allowing daylight and ambient illumination to pass through, cutting energy costs on the jobsite. High tensile strength and ease of handling makes reinforced poly sheeting ideal for sealing off scaffolding, walkways, and debris enclosures.
Scaffold Sheeting/Monarflex/Scaf-life
Specifically, we carry the SCAF-LITE and Monarflex brands of poly-based scaffold enclosure sheeting, and weather protection. Scaf-Lite’s bungee connectors and reinforced eyelets ensure secure, life-of-the-project attachment to scaffolding. Monarflex uses grommets to make installation fast and dependable. Options can make the sheeting water tight, resistant to high winds, and fireproof.
Beat The Winter With Construction Winter Jobsite Protection
The Pro Group can set you up with the construction equipment and materials you need to work through the winter with a minimum of weather-related delays and hardships. Request a quote for our supply or call our customer service representatives today at (857) 706-2980.