Temporary heaters for construction sites are essential for worker comfort and productivity on jobsites with cold temperatures. When it comes to choosing the right types of construction heater for your jobsite, there are a few factors you should consider, including ventilation, space, available electricity, fire safety, and more. In this article, we’ll discuss some of the most common types of construction heaters so you can make an informed decision when buying or renting a temporary heater for your company’s next project! If you’re a contractor that is looking to purchase or rent a construction heater for your jobsite in New England, please contact our team at Pro Tool & Supply today at (857) 706-2980 to get a free quote!
Indirect Fired Air Heaters
One of the most popular types of construction heaters for cold-temperature jobsites are indirect fired air heaters. Indirect fired air heaters are typically fueled by natural gas, propane, or diesel, and are set up outside, using ductwork to blow heated air into the building where employees are working. Indirect fired air heaters are set up outside so they can draw fresh air into themselves and expel fumes outdoors, reducing the risk of hazardous carbon monoxide levels inside the building. The downside of indirect fired air heaters is that they are not quite as fuel efficient as other types of construction heaters.
Electric Heaters
Another popular type of construction heaters are electric heaters. There are multiple different kinds of electric construction heaters, but each of them work in a similar manner. Electric heaters push the air that they intake over hot coils that have been heated by electricity, blowing out odorless, clean, dry, and fume-free heat into the work area. Electric construction heaters are compact compared to some other types of construction heaters, making them ideal for tight spaces and smaller jobsites.
Forced Air Propane Heaters
Propane heaters are another popular choice for providing heat to cold-temperature jobsites. Forced air propane heaters are compact and portable, making them great options for jobsites of all kinds. The heating element in a forced air propane heater is heated by burning propane (one of the safest fuel options available), then air is propelled over the heating element with a fan, blowing warm air into the jobsite. Forced air propane heaters work quickly and are cost-effective, making them one of the best choices for heating your jobsite.
Buy or Rent Construction Heaters in New England from Pro Tool & Supply!
Pro Tool & Supply and Pro Equipment Rental is proud to provide contractors and construction companies in New England with sales and rentals of construction heaters and many other types of construction equipment! If you are a contractor in New England that is interested in purchasing or renting a construction heater for your business, please contact Pro Tool & Supply by calling us at (857) 706-2980 or by filling out the contact form on our website! To get a free estimate on construction equipment from Pro Tool & Supply, please fill out the “Request a Quote” form on our website!